Saturday, February 5, 2011

You Gotta Fight the Powers That Be!!

Today was really, really one of those days where I wanted a candy bar...Reese's Peanut Butter Cups to be EXACT!!!!!  You see I work at one of these "old time" stores and they have candy, and chips, and snacks that are NOT on my list of survival foods right now....AND I WANTED A REESE'S.....

Sure you're probably thinking, well just one wouldn't hurt so what's the bid deal...But I know myself and over the last few months, I have learned my body....That piece of candy only makes you crave another piece of candy, then fries, then more unhealthy carbs....BEEN THERE, DONE THAT, AIN'T GOING BACK!!!  Soooo, of course, I get my debit card out of my purse, go to the front register (where all the candy is by the way), and I purchase.....


I've learned if  I brush my teeth and drink water then that will help me to resist certain cravings....It worked!! I did not get any candy, instead I joyfully walked into the bathroom, brushed my teeth and came out a WINNER, because I knew that I did not succumb to the pressure of my own wants.  I knew what I needed and used that as fuel.....

I'm proud of  myself...Then when I got off work, I went to the gym, rode the bike for 20 minutes, burned 144 calories, did some circuit weights for my legs, thighs, then got on the elliptical for 25 minutes, burning 302 calories on it.....I FELT AWESOME....Yesterday was a good day!

That craving had a strong hold over me, it presented itself strong, but it didn't win.....
Sometimes you gotta fight the POWERS that be!

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